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30.11.1939 No.185 Squadron RAF Hampden I L4203 P/O Musgrave Location: Grange Farm, Widmer End, Buckinghamshire, England.

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

Operation: Flight from Cottesmore to Heston

Date: 30th November 1939 (Thursday)

Unit: No. 185 Squadron R.A.F.

Type: Handley Page Hampden I

Serial No: L4203

Location: Grange Farm, Widmer End, Buckinghamshire.

Pilot: P/O. John Musgrave 41197 Age 20. Killed

Obs: Sq/Ldr. Nigel Hope 32173 Age 32. Killed

W/Op/Air/Gnr: A/C 2. Daniel O' Regan 624786 Age ? Killed

W/Op/Air/Gnr: Sgt. Lindsay Thom 580682 Age 24. Killed


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Hampdens of 185 Squadron hampdens in flight, nearest aircraft is L4201. The aircraft relating to this crash L4203 is believedto be one of the other two aircraft in this photo. Photo taken of aircraft just prior to there transfer into the Newley formed 14 O.T.U.

Hampden L4203 and crew were en-route from Cottesmore to Heston. During the flight the aircraft encountered bad weather with poor visibility.
Pilot lost control and aircraft crashed near Grange Farm, with the tragic loss of all onboard.

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W/Op/Air/Gnr: Sgt. Lindsay Thom (Courtesy Sheena Samonas)

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Left the only known portrait photograph of P/O John Musgrave taken at Chesham Studios by graham Photographers, copy reproduction produced from local war time news paper. Above the grave of Daniel John O'Regan.

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Grave of Sq/Ldr. Hope

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Grave of P/O. Musgrave.

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Our Chairman David King partly obscured by main undercarriage of Hampden L4203 during the aircrafts recovery, which took place between October 1981 and May 1982. The aircraft was dug totally by hand which resulted in 95% of the aircraft being recovered.

Burial details:

P/O. John Musgrave Chesham Bois Burial grounds, Bucks. Sec. O. Grave 900 Son of Philip Henry and Bessie Sarah Musgrave, of Chesham Bois.

Sq/Ldr. Nigel Hope St. Michael Churchyard, Halton, Bucks. Plot. 3. Row B. Grave 82 Son of Graham Archibald and Ruby Evelyn Hope; husband of Evelyn Di Hope, of Emsworth, Hampshire.

A/C 2. Daniel O' Regan St. Patricks RC Cemetery, Leytonstone, Plot. 11A. Row 6. Grave. 25 No further details as yet.

Sgt. Lindsay Thom New Kilpatrick Cemetery, Dunbartonshire. Sec. E. Grave 1188 Son of William Munro Thom and Marion MacMillan Thom, of Glasgow.

Acknowledgments: With thanks to the following: Sheena Samonas, niece of Sgt. Lindsay Thom, Bill Chorley - "Bomber Command Losses" Vol. 1, the C.W.G.C.

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