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10.05.1940 N0. 600 Squadron R.A.F. Blenheim IF L1517 P/O. Haine D.F.C. Location: Goeree-Overflakee, Netherlands. +

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

Mission: Airfields - Waalhaven, Holland

Date: 10th May 1940 (Friday)

Unit: No. 600 Squadron

Type: Blenheim IF

Serial: L1517

Code: BQ-N

Base: Manston

Location: Goeree-Overflakee, Holland

Pilot: P/O. Richard Cummings Haine R.A.F. Evaded capture

Navigator: P/O. M. Kramer R.A.F. Evaded capture


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Took off at 12.30 hrs. to attack German aircraft on the ground - a costly decision was made to not use bomber in order to avoid Dutch casualties and to use the Blenheim's. Resulting in 5 aircraft being shot down during the raid and and another just making it back to the base after serious damage.

They were strafing Ju52's when they were set upon by Me 110's and they were simply outclassed. Having set one of the enemy transports on fire, Haine pulled away from the target. As he did so he was attacked by a wave of German fighters. His gunner managed to shoot down a Messerschmitt Bf 109, but with one of his two engines on fire Haine was forced to crash-land on a mudflat and make his escape.

Haine and his gunner made contact with the Dutch Army and two days later arrived at The Hague, where the British air attaché assisted them.

Shortly after they had boarded the destroyer "Hereward", Queen Wilhelmina and her party arrived and the ship sailed for Harwich.

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P/O. Richard Cummings Haine D.F.C. (Courtesy Daily Telegraph)

For their actions both crew members received the D.F.C. Of the 5 aircraft lost 7 Crew members were killed and another made P.O.W. P/O. Dickie Haine survived the war becoming a Group Captain and died in 2008.

Acknowledgments: With thanks to the following: the C.W.G.C. Norman Franks for great work on "Fighter Command Losses Vol. 1 and Valiant Wings.

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