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19.05.1940. 142 Squadron Battle I. P5238 Sgt Ebert. Location: Nates/Chateau Bougon (Aerodrome).

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

Mission: Laon France.

Date: 19.05.1940

Unit: 142 Squadron.

Type: Battle I

Serial No. P5238

Coded: WT-

Location: Nates/Chateau Bougon (Aerodrome).

Pilot: Sgt G.H.Ebert.

Obs: Sgt T.Jones. (Killed).

A/G: LAC: R.S.Utteridge


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Battle 5238 seen here along with the remains of Battle P2190 and Hurricane P2959.

Took-off from Faux-Villecerf (France) to attack Laon Marshalling yards in an effort to stem the German advance in a vain attempt to support the British Expeditionary Force. Badley shot about by enemy fighters mortally wounding the Observer T.Jones, and forced landed on Nates/Chateau Bougon aerodrome where it was abandoned.

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The fuselage of Battle P5238 photographed by the Luftwaffe at Nantes/Chateau Bougon, following the British retreat from France. Also visible left is the remains of Hurricane P2959.

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Sergeant (Observer) Tom Jones was the son of Tom and Hannah Jones; husband of Esther Jones, of Merton, Oxfordshire. He is buried at Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille Plot 19. Row E. Grave 1.

Page construction David King and Alex King.

Acknowledgements - Aircrew Remembrance Society Archives, Bill Chorley Bomber Command Losses, C.W.G.C. and Find a Grave.

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