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14.05.1940 No. 87 Squadron R.A.F> Hurricane I L1616 P/O. Javis Location: Maastricht, Belgium. +

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

Mission: Patrol

Date: 14th May 1940 (Tuesday)

Unit: No. 87 Squadron

Type: Hurricane I

Serial: L1616

Code: LK-?

Base: Le Touqet, France.

Location: Maastricht

Pilot: P/O. Paul Leonard Jarvis 42609 R.A.F. Age 20. Killed


Hurricane L1616 was shot down by a He111 from KG27 west of Maastricht at 09.40 hrs.

Three other Hurricanes from 87 squadron were also lost this day:

L1834 Piloted by P/O. Chris Mackworth 40728 from Seaford, Sussex - killed, buried at Bruyelle Cemetery.
L1612 Piloted by P/O. Gordon Saunders 41620 from New Zealand - died of wounds received, buried at Fenain Cemetery.
L1646 Piloted by F/O. Joyce - survived after leg amputated in hospital.

87-squadron-hurricane-9-l1616-p003ao.-paul-leonard-jarvis-  87-squadron-hurricane-9-l1616-p003ao.-paul-leonard-jarvis-during-traning
P/O. Paul Leonard Jarvis, also shown right during training. These were sent to the family by Paul during his service. (Courtesy of the Jarvis family via Bas Coolan)

Hurricanes of 87 Squadron (Archives)


Burial Details:

P/O. Paul Leonard Jarvis. Runnymede Memorial Panel 8. Date of birth: 18th October 1919 Son of Leonard Norman and Winnefred Jarvis, of Haywards Heath, Sussex.

Acknowledgments: We are very pleased that the nephew of P/O. Jarvis contacted and supplied us with his photographs via Bas Coolan in the Netherlands. Thanks also to Norman Franks "Fighter Command Losses" Vol. 1, Peter D. Cornwell Battle for France. The Commonwealth Graves Commission.

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