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14.05.1940 No 607 Squadron R.A.F. Hurricane I P2713 P/O. Le Breuilly Location: Corroy-le-Ch,teau, Belgium. +

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

Mission: Patrol

Date: 14th May 1940 (Tuesday)

Unit: No. 607 Squadron

Type: Hurricane I

Serial: P2713

Base: Vitry-En-Artois, France.

Location: Corroy-le-Château, Belgium

Pilot: P/O. Arthur Eugene Le Breuilly 42615 R.A.F. Age ? Killed


Thought to have been shot down by Fw. Schnell of 4./JG2 flying a Bf109 during an attack on Hs123's. No further information available at this time.
He is though to have joined 607 Squadron in April 1940. Previously he had trained at: No. 1 Air Armaments School at R.A.F. Manby, No 5 course O.T.U at Sutton Bridge from 11th March 1940 until 27th April 1940. (The first course with Hurricanes at Sutton Bridge) From this course, all pilots were moved straight to France. Many of the records were lost in France during this period.

P/O. Arthur Eugene Le Breuilly (Courtesy Simon Le Breilly via Robert Dixon - see acknowledgments)

2 other Hurricanes from 607 Squadron were also lost this day: P2618 Flown by F/O. Gerald I. Cuthbert killed P2621 Flown by Fl/Lt. John L. Sullivan killed (attached from 242 squadron) The C.W.G.C have P/O. Le Breuilly as 87 squadron, it is thought therefore that he was attached to 607 squadron for this operation.

Runnymede Memorial (Courtesy King A.R.S)

Burial Details:

Some of the aircrew lost during this period were buried by locals at the time and some graves may not have been recorded.

P/O. Arthur Eugene Le Breuilly. Runnymede Memorial Panel 9. No further details.

Researched and dedicated to the relatives of P/O. Le Breuilly. Requested by Hervé Legros from Belgium. . Further information supplied by David King (A.R. Society) Acknowledgments: Robert Dixon - for 607 Squadron information, Simon Le Breuilly for photo of P/O. Le Breuilly, Norman Franks - "Fighter Command Losses" Vol. 1, Peter D. Cornwell "The Battle for France, Then and Now". Robert Dixon - for 607 Squadron information. Alistair Goodrum for additional training information.

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