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30.01.1946 No.21 O.T.U. Wellington X LP875 F/O Annable Location: Moreton-in-Marsh, Warwickshire, England.

Remembrance Day Is Everyday


Date: 30
th January 1946

Time: 21.50 hours.

Unit: No.21 (OTU) Operational Training Unit.

Type: Vickers Wellington X

Serial No: LP875

Base: Moreton -in-Marsh.

Location: Moreton-in-Marsh,Warwickshire.


This aircraft took off from its base at Moreton-in-Marsh at 19.51 hours detailed to practice single engine landings. At 21.50 hours whilst approaching the runway, the Wellington stalled and came down amonst some trees near the airfield.

F/O H. Annable

F/O C. R. Bluemell – Injured.

F/O J. A. Turner – Injured.

Sgt A. Wells – Injured.

F/O D. V. Anderson – Injured.

Sgt J. A. Neston.

Copy of Copy of 1 003
“Robby” Robinson at the controls of Wellington LP875 pictured shortly after its crash at Moreton-in-Marsh. Tragically,
he was destined to lose his life just seven months later in the crash of another No.21 OTU Wellington PG135 (King)

Wellington LP875
Ron Doble,far right with his friend “Robby” Robinson 2
nd right (King)

Researched and compiled by David King and Melvin Brownless with special thanks to Ron Doble, August 2013.

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