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17.06.1941 No.56 Squadron R.A.F. Hurricane II Z3329 Sgt Carvill Location: Lost in English Channel.

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

Mission: Circus 41

Date: 17th June 1941

Unit: No. 56 Squadron R.A.F.

Type: Hawker Hurricane II

Serial No.Z3329

Code: US-

Location: In English Channel.

Pilot: Sergeant Richard Douglas Carvill R.A.F.V.R 1251535 – Missing.


This aircraft was shot down together with P/O Robinson's Hurricane II Z2812 by Messerschmitt Bf 109's during bomber escort sortie. Sgt Carvill remains missing in action.

The final reference to Richard in 56 Squadron’s logbook is dated 17th June 1941 and says: "Offensive patrol by the whole Squadron, which took part in a circus (RAF code word for a sweep) operation as close support to a force of bombers. F/Lt Higginson DFM, P/O Harris, P/O Robinson, Sgt Carvill missing after the operation, during which the Squadron was continuously attacked by Me109s but was unable to do more than stick by the bombers and defend them from attack. In this the Squadron was entirely successful".

Copy of hurricane low level
A No.56 Squadron Hurricane passes low over North Weald? (IWM)

Copy of No.56 Sqdn pilots 1941
Pilots of No.56 Squadron North Weald 1941. Richard Carvill sits back row, 4
th from left (Brownless)

Runnymede memorial entrance
Burial detail: Commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial. Panel 41.

Researched and compiled by Melvin Brownless 2005, updated August 2013.

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