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18.02.1941. No. 21 Squadron Blenheim IV V5595. Sgt. Kemp. Location: Gravelines, France.

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

Mission: Anti-Shipping

Date: 18th July 1941

Unit: No.21 Squadron RAF

Type: Bristol Blenheim IV

Serial. V5595

Code: YH - P

Location: Off Gravelines, France

Base: Manston

Pilot: Sergeant J. R. M. Kemp POW

Radio/Op: Sergeant E. A. Goold POW

Gunner : Sergeant F. J. Soal POW


Shot down off Gravelines, wreckage brought ashore by the Germans.Gravelines is a small historic town and commune on the northern coast of
France on the river Aa 15 miles (25 km) south west of Dunkirk.


Blenheim V5595 after recovery

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