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Remembrance Day Is Everyday

Three main sections are recorded here by Nation under the headings, R.A.F. Losses, U.S.A.A.F.  Losses and Luftwaffe Losses.

All are compiled by year, month and in date order, providing hundreds of remembrance pages to fallen airmen and airwomen from all nations. The R.A.F. section also includes all Commonwealth countries along with airmen and airwomen from many other nations who served in the Royal Air Force.

In many cases it may be possible to find further information relating to individual losses in other sections of our site, in particular our Heritage Collection and Society Archive Library sections, which hold additional records.

Our memorials section also records our tributes to many losses relating to individuals and squadrons, an online cenotaph to No. 26 O.T.U. and another for former boys of Stowe School are two examples.

We welcome the opportunity to offer relatives and friends to request remembrance pages to be construction or updated. Even if you only have one or just a few photos and details, we are more than happy to research the loss further for you, to provide you with more information and further enhance the remembrance page construction.       

Thank you for Visiting.

Aircraft Losses

The People’s War History Project

The British Library is preserving this site for the future in the UK Web Archive at www.webarchive.org.uk All site sections are subsequently recorded as part of our nation’s history and heritage at The British Library.

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