Paul Cannon - Member
(Society Photographer and Pictorial Aviation Historian)
Paul has been a valid member of the society since its formation in 1994, and prior to this in association with The Booker Aircraft Museum. His photograph record of many of our activities over the years is a most valid contribution to our archives. Due to his interest in all aspects of aviation along with his work for the society, he has also amassed a unique historical record of photos relating to the following subjects.R.A.F. and U.S.A.A.F. Airfields, Control Towers and WW2 Air Base wall art.
R.A.F. and U.S.A.A.F. Memorials dedicated to Squadrons, Individual aircraft losses, and Individual Airmen.Other Miscellaneous Collections Include: Memorial dedications, Veterans reunions, Blue Plaque houses, Aircraft and Aviation Archaeology to name but a few.