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Society Founded 1994 Record

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

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1994 - 2007

This first period of the Aircrew Remembrance Society's work covers our formation and our work including investigations into crashes further afield in France, Holland & Germany. Further work continued also in the UK and our final recovery in this period would lead us to our first online presence.

EF= 6th June 1998. Funeral service for Luftwaffe Pilot Uffz. Herbert Blochberger

On the 6th June 1998 members of the society gathered with relatives of former missing Luftwaffe Pilot Uffz. Herbert Blochberger, for his funeral service at the Deautscher Soldatenfriedhof Cimetiere Militaire Allemand 1939 – 1945 Champigny, St. Andre, France. Herbert was recovered in France along with the remains of Messerschmitt Me109 on the 23rd November 1996.

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