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Third Website 2018 to Present Record

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

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Third Website 2018 - Present

Our Present Website (AircrewRemembranceSociety3.com)

With the introduction of this new domain name and site rebuild came the availability to introduce new projects and connections with the technology now available, increasing our ability in many additional fields.

AB - February 2018 New Domain Name Acquired

Following the loss of our first website along with its domain name (aircrewremembrancesociety.com)
Which ran from (2007 - 2012) when it suddenly was removed from the web.

We believed that we had placed this in safe hands, but sadly it was removed from our control by a person we had trusted, through dishonest and deceitful methods beyond our control.

To insure our site was returned to the web as soon as possible we purchased the domain - (aircrewremembrancesociety.co.uk)
Which ran from (2012 - 2018)
By 2018 this proved to be inadequate for future expansion to a wider audience and development in size, therefor this domain name
was purchased to rebuild a new site, to felicitate many additional sections that would cover multiple historical related activities by the group over five decades. Along with the continuation of our multiple aircrew loss remembrance pages. (2018 - precent)

AJ - October 2018 Society Donation for Hurricane V7497 Rebuild

The Societies long history of support in the role of aircraft preservation and restoration for the last five decades continues with this instrument donation by our webmaster, Alexander King for this flying Hurricane rebuild, V7497. Donated on the 5th October 2018.

AK - November 2018 Framed Illustrated Memorial Presented (Winslow Air Disaster Wellington X3790)

Framed illustrated memorial presented on the 11th November to the Royal British Legion Winslow. First displayed in Winslow church, now preserved in the Legion hall.
In memory of the 4 aircrew and 13 civilians tragically killed in the Winslow air disaster when on the 7th of August 1943 when a Wellington aircraft X3790 from No. 26 O.T.U. crashed into the Winslow high street demolishing the Chandos Arms and 3 of Rose Cottages terrace dwellings numbers 4, 6 and 8.

BE - May 2019 Research Project (Stowe School Boys Aircrew Losses) David King

On the 4th May 2019 many new additions to the website were being uploaded to the site including our Chairmans (David King) Stowe School Boys Aircrew Losses Project research.

This comprehensive list of the 86 school boy airmen killed during WWII, was compiled by our chairman, with many associated loss pages being added to our Aircraft Losses Section.

BF - June 2019 New Additions.

Continued research for the site along with new remembrance pages has been and still continues to be a regular activity, highlighted here other work on the 22nd June including a moving film recording daughters visit to the crash site of his aircraft B-25 Mitchell FL193. This shows the unveiling of the Societies memorial to the crew by Trish Masters in memory of her father Sgt Eric Bailey R.A.A.F. viewable HERE on our YouTube Channel. Further behind the scenes work by David and Alexander king towards our Finmere Tower Project
corrosponding with Lone Star Land, a further email was sent to their head office for its attention.

BF - June 2019 Society Youtube Channel Opened

8th June 2019

on the 8th June the Aircrew Remembrance Society YouTube Channel Opened.
Over the years a number of short videos had been produced recording some of our activities these are now introduced on our YouTube Channel.

To view our YouTube Channel please click Here.

BG - July 2019 Shelswell History Festival Attended

As promoted the society attended the Shelswell History Festival 13th July 2019, following the kind invitation from show organiser Alice Goodall, with the view to promote awareness of the Tower Project and the Society.

BH - August 2019 Crash Site Investigation F5 Olney.

Following research which uncovered the crash report relating to an F5 Lightning the land owner was approached on the 10th August with the view to a investigation. It later transpired that the site had already been investigated by the Twinwood Farm Group. It was therefor unlikely that much of the aircraft still remained following their investigation along with the photographic evidence provided by the crash report. With the land owners permission we took the opportunity to photograph and record the crash area for use in a fourth coming remembrance page in relation to this incident.

BH - August 2019 Crash Site Investigation.

Following our investigation the previous weekend we again met with John on the 17th August to confirm the Wellington crash location and provide us with a six figure map reference, required for the licence application to investigate the site. This being the final requirement for the preparation of the licence document, John was then able to approach the farmer on our behalf to complete the document confirming his permission for the investigation.

BH - August 2019 Finmere Airfield Tower Project Promotion

Following our successful visit to the Shelswell festival on the 13th July, on the 3rd August we decided to spread the word at the towers home itself by attending the Saturday car boot fair, to enlighten those there of the threat to our Tower and their car boot activity. A large number of visitors visited our stall and offered support and the willingness to sign our online petition. It was also a great moment to meet with Char Owen a dedicated supporter of our cause on this site, who also kindly took the opportunity to make a personal donation to the Tower project. In closing I must also thank my son Alexander, who painstakingly approached all stall holders which must have totalled over 100, to present them with a leaflet and take time to explain the plight of our Tower.

BJ - October 2019 Details of New Memorial to be unveiled in The Netherlands. (Lancaster Aircrew Memorial)

The society has been cooperating with Dutch Historian Jaap Geenson for many years. In 2014 our chairman David King was able to identify items recovered by Jaap on the Dutch coast line, as coming from a Lancaster aircraft. A memorial to the crew of this Lancaster II, LL720 408 Sqdn, was unveiled on the 9th November 2019. The relatives of two of the crew members had been located, those of F/O J. Bonneville, RCAF and P/O E. Dramnitzki, RCAF. The search continues for relatives of the other five.

Please contact the site if you are in anyway related or have any information that you feel may help in tracing them.

BJ - October 2019 Lancaster LL720 Memorial

Items prepared and sent to Holland for memorial service by The Aircrew Remembrance Society, in preparation for memorial dedication 9th November 2019, to the crew of Lancaster II LL720.

Framed photo of pilot Elmer Winn with inscription proposed by relatives in Canada unable to attend service. “Thank you for giving up your life for us to be free”

A Poppy wreath along with inscriptions for all the crew, sent on behalf of the society.

Named Wooden crosses in remembrance of all seven crew members.

BK - November 2019 Banners on Main Street.

As a result of our contact with relatives of Lancaster pilot Elmer Winn, the family in turn notified their local Canadian Legion regarding the forth coming memorial dedication. The Legion decided to make Elmer the focus of their town’s remembrance this year, and as a result banners with Elmer’s photo on hang from every lamp stand on Main Street in his home town

From Susan Winn To: David King.

4 Nov 2019 at 18:05

Our town has finally decided to recognize our hero’s. Banners on Main Street.

We heard that our town in coordination with our Legion wants pictures and info so we gave them what we had. Glad to see them up. Every light stand has one.

David King To: Susan Winn

4 Nov 2019 at 19:01
Wow! That is so wonderful Susan! There he is up there where he belongs, this gallant boy there for his entire town to see and remember, God bless him!

Warm regards,


BK - November 2019 Licence application for investigation into the crash site of Wellington LN536.

Back in August we reported on our visit to the crash site of Wellington LN536, with the help of Local historian John Panter, who kindly showed us the general location of a wellington crash witnessed by him at the time. Contact was made with the Land owner and an application for a Licence was made to the M.O.D.

Sadly on the 15th November we received the following:

David, Further to your licence application for the Wellington LN536, as you will see from the attached, regrettably we are unable to issue a licence because of the concern of possible human remains still at the site because of the nature of the accident despite the crew have known graves.

Following this sad news that remains of the crew are still believed to remain there, we feel that as a result of this information that this most poignant site deserves a memorial of some kind. We are there for now making plans for such an undertaking.

BL - December 2019 Winter Remembrance Research

During the winter months a lot of work including research and construction of remembrance pages (in the warm) was to take place. Through December many pages were constructed including updates to our Memorial tower Project. Remembrance pages for The R.A.F., U.S.A.A.F. and the Luftwaffe were created and published.

CK - November 2020 Annual Remembrance Sunday Visit To Botley Cemetery

Owing to the Covid-19 pandemic and in light of the risks posed, the annual Remembrance Sunday March Past the Cenotaph did not take place this year. Many of us were not able visit our normal places and memorials for our own acts of Remembrance, therefore this annual Remembrance Sunday visit to Botley Cemetery did also not take place that year. Botley has been our Annual pilgrimage to remember fallen aircrew for over 50 years, of the 580 servicemen buried there, 457 of them are airmen killed in aircraft crashes in Buckinghamshire and surrounding counties. Standing there on the day with detailed knowledge of the fate of hundreds of individuals, with hundreds of faces from our archives etched in your memory, makes it a most poignant and moving accession that will be sadly missed. Today at the 11th hour many of us will be alone with our thoughts, perhaps making them even stronger!
At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We remembered them.

DB - February 2021 Buccaneer XN979 Donation by Alex King.

A great project which I came across through a sale in my shop, I always like to help with preservation where I can, so I provided some instruments which could be used to raise money to put towards the project. Below is the Facebook post from Marcus.

Another exciting arrival this week was a box containing these. Marcus was very surprised and thrilled by the surprise donation of 4 useful hydraulic pressure gauges. The central one we purchased is from XV353 so after we've replaced the glass it'll be good to reunite it into his Buccaneer cockpit. A grateful thanks to Alex, Marcus looks forward to showing you the cockpit when you visit. Donated by World War 2 Relic Hangar (proud sponsor of the Aircrew Remembrance Society)

DB - February 2021 Meeting With Land Owner To Confirm Wing Memorial Site Location.

On Saturday the 13th February Alex and David met with the land owner at Wing Airfield to confirm the Wing Memorial site location, here are a few shots of the site showing the area that has been kindly allocated for our use.  You will see that on the corner of the field we have been allocated, that it is situated next to a perimeter track and that the concrete road is currently being reinstalled, which will provide a good clean access to the memorial when complete.  A special thanks to land owner Andrew Alexander for the allocation of this section of his land for the memorial construction. Also for spending time with us on the day to discuss our plans and design which he kindly approved. Thanks also to Simon Clarke the builder who will be involved in the construction of the memorial who was also kindly in attendance, on a very cold day indeed! David King. Chairman, Aircrew Remembrance Society.

DB - February 2021 Wing Memorial, Greg Smith MP Gives Perspective..

RAF Wing memorial - Greg Smith, MP for Buckingham Our local MP, Greg Smith, has given his perspective on the importance of the community work underway to finally commemorate those that served at No.26 Operational Training Unit and RAF Wing. He advises: “My congratulations to all of those that are working together to create this special place of remembrance. We must never forget the sacrifice that so many made to protect our freedom. We are forever in their debt and our thanks alone could never be enough. It is therefore uplifting to see this community collaboration take place to permanently commemorate the rich history of the former RAF Wing airfield in Buckinghamshire. This airfield played an important part in the training of operational aircrew from the United Kingdom, and from as far afield as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many other allied nations. The diverse and energetic young men and women that served here, and the many who made the ultimate sacrifice, have forever gained our respect and gratitude. We will remember them.” House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA

DE - May 2021 Act of Remembrance (Wing Memorial)

The first 15 Airmen killed while serving with 26 O.T.U. were remembered today (30/05/21) at the Wing Airfield memorial site, on this the 79th Anniversary of the first 1,000 Bomber Raid that took place on the night of 30th/31st May 1942.  The 15 names of those who died were read out in their memory, and a minuets silence was held as an act of remembrance. The 15 Aircrew lost this night were as follows. Flying Officer WILLIAM ROBERT HUMPHREY WHITING Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve Sergeant JOHN HARTAS GEORGE GARRICK Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve Sergeant JAMES MILTON HALL Royal New Zealand Air Force Sergeant RICHARD CHARLES WILLIAMS Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve Sergeant ALLEN NORMAN YOUNG Royal New Zealand Air Force Flight Sergeant EDWIN JOHN FORD Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. D.F.M. Pilot Officer DOUGLAS CLAUDE AUGUST Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve Flight Sergeant FREDERICK FRANK BARKER Royal Air Force Flight Sergeant JOHN THOMPSON Royal Air Force Sergeant JOHN JAMES DIXON Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve Sergeant BRIAN BUCHANAN CAMLIN Royal Air Force Sergeant DENNIS HOWARD FLETCHER Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve Pilot Officer ARTHUR CYRIL WHITE Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve Sergeant DAVID STANLEY BONNER VINCENT Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve Sergeant HECTOR LESLIE SMITH Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve We will remember them.

DF - June 2021 Richard Minney Shares His Flight Experience Of The Memorial.

Took my flight today from the fundraising offer.  Lovely weather for a few passes.  Need to go through the other 85 photos, so will add more over the next few days.   Managed to zoom in on the memorial site, though took a bigger lens, so couldn't zoom in much due to the cockpit being snug and the canopy being in the way.  The airfield shots are zoomed out more and only to get as much in as possible. With thanks to Letsflyright for the flight and great evening.

DG - July 2021 26 O.T.U. (Operational Training Unit) Virtual Cenotaph (by David King)

Welcome to our Wing Airfield History Page. Following the societies airfield memorial construction and its unveiling on the 26th June 2021, this page listed in our memorials section is currently under construction in relation to all the airfields history, in support of our memorial information board QR Code connection. This is an ongoing project which will be added to weekly. We are currently concentrating on completing the Virtual Cenotaph section, but many categories also already have additional information on related airfield subjects, others are listings waiting to be addressed. We have material relating to all these categories and all of them will be updated in due course. We welcome any additional material relating to any of the subjects that would help us create this detailed record that will support the airfield memorial. Any fragment of history however small we would welcome to enhance the memory of the 26 O.T.U. Boys and help us create a unique record of this airfields unique history. Any details or photos shared for use on this site will be of course duly credited, and the record of the content periodically recorded by The British Library in the permanent records of our nations history.

DK - November 2021 A.T.C. At Wing Airfield To Host Memorial Remembrance Parade

It was a great honour for us to welcome the A.T.C. back to Wing airfield to host a memorial remembrance parade held by Officers, Warrant Officers, SNCOs and cadets of the Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire Wing. It was also a great honour for me (David King) to be invited to inspect the parade which I gratefully accepted. Following the remembrance service the cadets were kind enough to assist us in recreating a parade scene that took place on the 27th November 1943 at the same memorial location, to enable us to create a then and now comparison. Tony and Charlie White were also on hand to again take drone footage of the event and to capture an accurate comparison for our then and now compilation which will be posted soon. Additional photos and drone footage will also be added soon.

DK - November 2021 Wing Memorial The & Now (By Charlie White)

Some great aerial photography was taken by Charlie on the day of the unveiling of the memorial, this one particular shot was created by a few of us working simultaneously to achieve and match the war time photo at the site.(David & Alex King, Charlie & Tony White).

EF June 2022 Stirling Aircraft Project News

A bit of bad news today 27th June. The project is going to be homeless again. We need to move out of our building by 2023. Is amyone aware of a low to no rent building in the huntingdon/cambridge area that may be available ? Or any ideas? Are there ex RAF airfields nearby due for long term development where there are disused buildings we could bring back into use?
Miserable news indeed!

EH - August 2022 B-17 42-31469 Memorial at Bletsoe.

Bletsoe Memorial to the crew of B-17 42-31469 306 Bomb Group. Sunday 14th August 2022, to commemorate the Bletsoe Airmen, we had American relatives of the crew members at Bletsoe to open and dedicate the memorial. There was a Church Service at St Mary’s at 09:00 followed by the unveiling of the Memorial in the churchyard. There was also displays and information at the crash site.

FA - January 2023 Memorial Plaque Addition To The Wing Airfield Memorial.

On the 9th January 2023 David King was Honoured to be able to install a memorial plaque at the Wing Airfield Memorial, in memory of the crew of 26 O.T.U. Wellington Ic X9786, lost on a mission to Bremen 13th/14th September 1942.
The Plaque was provided and sponsored by Jan Halvorson, American cousin of Pilot Officer Robert Leo Hage, Son of Leonerd and Blanche Betts Hage, of Missoula, Montana, U.S.A. Robert was the pilot of Wellington X9786. The plaque also commemorates the other 3 members of Robert’s crew who were killed, Sergeant (Obs.) Alexander Knox Smith, Sergeant (Obs.) Kenneth David Jones and Sergeant (W.Op.Air Gnr.) Donald Fisher. Also remembered is the sole survivor of the crash W/O2 John A. Gartlan.
Many thanks to all involved in particular our good friend Nick Ellins.

FK - November 2023 RAF Wing Memorial - Overstone School

RAF Wing Memorial - 10th November 

Max and Tabitha did an outstanding job this morning, of representing Overstone Combined School at the memorial (the school are partners of the memorial) and placing their school wreath. They learnt a little about the airfield and it’s history first, before reading out ‘The Exhortation’, placing their wreath, lowering their heads and then taking part in a minutes silence. Later  they would write a short story on their visit for the school. Garron Clark-Darby also attended as a Wing resident but also Deputy Curator of the Trenchard Museum at RAF Halton. The school are hoping to make a visit to the superb museum in early 2024, as part of their project on the Second World War. Thank you Overstone School & Thank you to our Honorary Member Nick Elkins.

FL - December 2023 Coming Soon Heritage Section & Others.

Announcement December 2023 Over the next six months a number of sections of our site will be periodically unobtainable while an improved system and new program is installed. This program will enable us to exhibit a wider range of the society's archived material collated over more than five decades, along with numerous new sections, additions and improvements. Additions will include a detailed record of our vast Aviation Heritage collection catalogued here in detail for the first time. We apologise for any inconvenience during the transition and thank
you for your patience.
Coming Soon

GC - March 2024 Avro Lancaster LM464 101 Squadron Memorial Syleham Suffolk 16/03/2024 (UK Airfields Richard Flagg)

Richard E Flagg of UK-Airfields, Attended the dedication of a new memorial in Syleham Suffolk on the 16th March 2024. Memorial dedication to the 8 crew who died in the crash of Avro Lancaster LM464 of 101 Squadron. They were returning from a raid over Frankfurt in the early hours of 19 March 1944 when they crashed in rural Suffolk. A plaque has been unveiled at the Village hall and another near to the crash site. David King of the Aircrew Remembrance Society made contact with two of the relatives prior to this event and was able to offer assistance in the form of information regarding to the location of this crash. 

GC - March 2024 New Website Categories Coming Soon.

Just a quick update for our followers. There has been much work going on behind the scene on our website. We look forward to sharing these new things with you shortly, new categories, lots of new content and much more.

GC - March 2024 Updates To Our Mosquito NFXII Serial HK304 Remembrance Page

Reconstructed Remembrance Page added to the website - De Havilland Mosquito NFXVII Serial: HK304 Date: 24th February 1945 Unit: No. 51 O.T.U.De Havilland Mosquito NFXVII, Serial: HK304.

Thanks to our supporter Richard Flagg, UK Airfields, for providing these memorial photos for use in our remembrance page.

GC - March 2024 Westland Whirlwind XM665

Westland Whirlwind XM665 Leaving Booker Aircraft Museum video clip now converted and uploaded to our YouTube  channel.

Although a short clip, a historic one connected with the society’s work with Aircraft Preservation & foundation and History of the group.

view video here

GC March 2024 Booker Aircraft Museum Video

A selection of historic Society videos have been converted today (28/03/24) and uploaded to our YouTube channel.

A short video of The Booker Aircraft Museum taken during 1988 showing static aircraft there at the time as well as internal displays of aircraft recovered and other items in the collection. Much of the interior is still under construction at this stage and the second building that doubled the museums size has only recently been added, many more exhibits are under construction here including a Link Trainer under reconstruction which was eventually put back into full working condition by the painstaking work of museum members Les Mason and Jim Smith.

view video Here

GG - July 2024 Sadly we hear of Clive Ellis passing, after a short battle with cancer.

Sadly this afternoon we heard that Clive Ellis, a good and long term friend of the Kent Battle of Britain Museum Trust at Hawkinge, and in the past an occasional volunteer, has sadly passed after a short battle with cancer. He was only 62 years old. Clive was diagnosed back in April and sadly lost the battle with cancer on Sunday 28th July 2024.  Clive will be remembered for his research into Luftwaffe Losses over the UK, being an aviation archeologist, historian, and in recent years he was involved in the colourisation of a large percentage of his data base of Luftwaffe crashed photographs, leading to the publication of his ‘The Fall of the Luftwaffe in Colour: Battle of Britain, 1940,’ which was published by Key Publishing in 2020.  Our sincere condolences to Clive’s family and friends…

GI - September 2024 Research on Halifax III MZ-514 SE-P

On the 26/09/2024 Colin Price made contact regarding Halifax III MZ-514 SE-P.

While continuing with his genealogy studies for his wife who’s uncle Ronald Blair Cowden, was Flight Engineer on RCAF Halifax III MZ-514 SE-P lost at Veen 23/4/44 on a raid to Düsseldorf, 

Over recent months I have gradually been pulling together everything I can find. Details on the crew, squadron, crash site, operations, documents, photos, newspapers, memorials, graves and many weblinks. As the crew was a mix of Canadian 4, American 2, & British 2, the crew information is widely spread. I’ve been in touch with the 431 squadron biographer & FB page, relatives, a German man who has investigated the site & the local museum to the crash site.

GI - September 2024 Site Updates!

This year has seen a real focus on a lot of work behind the scenes and much needed improvements on our systems. We have had the opportunity to add better Contact forms and improvements to many other sections old and new, all will be released much later this year.

GJ - October 2024 CWGC Cemetery Tour, Mike Chapman.

There is a CWGC tour at Buckingham Cemetery on Friday 8 November at 10.30am, two days before Remembrance Sunday. The cemetery off Brackley Road is the final resting place of 10 casualties from the First and Second World War.   The tour lasts one hour.  Tickets are free but must be booked in advance as numbers are limited (at the time of writing just 3 are left). To book your place via the CWGC Eventbrite page, go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cwgc-tours-2024-buckingham-cemetery-tickets-1007368344837

GJ - October 2024 Me 110 loss information request.

Today 25th we made contact with Herbert in regards to a loss he was researching, relating to a Me110. David has been communicating with Herbert and has now compiled a very interesting story soon to be added as a new remembrance page.

GK - November 2024 A Brand New Project, The People’s War History Project

As you may know we have been posting updates regarding the development of the site throughout the year, a great deal has been going on behind the scenes which include more user friendly software and further additions. More on these developments will be disclosed as we get closer to their release. 

GK - November 2024 RAF Wing Memorial - Overstone School in Wing. Two of their Ambassador children come to lay a school wreath at Wing Memorial.

RAF Wing Memorial - Overstone School in Wing are formal partners to the Memorial, and each year two of their Ambassador children come to lay a school wreath and say words of remembrance for those who served at the former Bomber Command Aerodrome. This year Oliver and Evie represented their school and did so brilliantly. They were joined by Wing Resident & Trenchard Museum Deputy Curator Garron Clark-Darby, school Senior Leader and Teacher Fi Willett and Andy & Gillian Alexander who own the land the Memorial resides on and Andy’s father served at and flew from RAF Wing. Thank you to everyone at Overstone School for their continued support of the Memorial, to all who attended and especially to Oliver & Evie. In the photos you can see Evie proudly wearing a miniature set of her father’s service medals.

GL - December 2024 Luftwaffe Relative, Contacts The Society.

We were contacted today by Wolfgang Hollerweger.

Just yesterday we found the page you had compiled, and we are excited.

11.05.1942 1./(F)123 Junkers Ju 88D-1 Wnr.1173 Ofw. Hollerweger Location: Crashed into the Channel, 30 miles south of Selsey Bill, Sussex, England +

read more ……..

GL - December New Website Design Launched.

Today, 31st December 2024 we launch our new site design.

Throughout 2024 we had been working hard on a new design for the website. Our aim was to provide a much more user friendly infrastructure for navigation across our sections, this also including new search engines across our site categories.

Further work is still going on behind the scenes regarding new categories which will include our new project - The People’s War History Project, which will enable us to provide the public with much more than before.

please keep an eye on our news section for updates that will be coming in the new year.

HA - January 2025 David Hamilton, the last surviving D-Day Pathfinder pilot, “flew west” on Sunday, January 5th.

We are deeply saddened to report that David Hamilton, the last surviving D-Day Pathfinder pilot, “flew west” on Sunday, January 5, at the age of 102. On the night of June 5, 1944, Hamilton took off from RAF North Witham with 19 other Pathfinder aircraft to lead the D-Day invasion. Pathfinders from the U.S. 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions, as well as British and Canadian airborne units, parachuted into Normandy approximately 30 minutes before the main airborne assault to mark the designated drop zones for incoming paratroopers and gliders. Hamilton was a steadfast supporter of the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) and a frequent guest at our events. He participated in the #DDay75 commemoration in 2019, where our own C-47, D-Day Doll, performed a flyby in his honor at his former airfield. It was our great privilege to know and work with Hamilton. He will be greatly missed. Photo by David O'Connor

HA - January 2025 Reconstructed Remembrance Pages.

Throughout 2025 we will be working hard on bringing you many new remembrance pages and stories, new additions to our own history section which covers over 50 years. We are also reconstructing our historic remembrance pages into our new system, so please keep an eye out in our news for further updates. please check our Aircraft Losses Section

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