BK - November 2019 Banners on Main Street.
As a result of our contact with relatives of Lancaster pilot Elmer Winn, the family in turn notified their local Canadian Legion regarding the forth coming memorial dedication. The Legion decided to make Elmer the focus of their town’s remembrance this year, and as a result banners with Elmer’s photo on hang from every lamp stand on Main Street in his home town
From Susan Winn To: David King.
4 Nov 2019 at 18:05
Our town has finally decided to recognize our hero’s. Banners on Main Street.
We heard that our town in coordination with our Legion wants pictures and info so we gave them what we had. Glad to see them up. Every light stand has one.
David King To: Susan Winn
4 Nov 2019 at 19:01
Wow! That is so wonderful Susan! There he is up there where he belongs, this gallant boy there for his entire town to see and remember, God bless him!
Warm regards,