DB - February 2021 Meeting With Land Owner To Confirm Wing Memorial Site Location.
On Saturday the 13th February Alex and David met with the land owner at Wing Airfield to confirm the Wing Memorial site location, here are a few shots of the site showing the area that has been kindly allocated for our use. You will see that on the corner of the field we have been allocated, that it is situated next to a perimeter track and that the concrete road is currently being reinstalled, which will provide a good clean access to the memorial when complete. A special thanks to land owner Andrew Alexander for the allocation of this section of his land for the memorial construction. Also for spending time with us on the day to discuss our plans and design which he kindly approved. Thanks also to Simon Clarke the builder who will be involved in the construction of the memorial who was also kindly in attendance, on a very cold day indeed! David King. Chairman, Aircrew Remembrance Society.