DG - July 2021 26 O.T.U. (Operational Training Unit) Virtual Cenotaph (by David King)
Welcome to our Wing Airfield History Page. Following the societies airfield memorial construction and its unveiling on the 26th June 2021, this page listed in our memorials section is currently under construction in relation to all the airfields history, in support of our memorial information board QR Code connection. This is an ongoing project which will be added to weekly. We are currently concentrating on completing the Virtual Cenotaph section, but many categories also already have additional information on related airfield subjects, others are listings waiting to be addressed. We have material relating to all these categories and all of them will be updated in due course. We welcome any additional material relating to any of the subjects that would help us create this detailed record that will support the airfield memorial. Any fragment of history however small we would welcome to enhance the memory of the 26 O.T.U. Boys and help us create a unique record of this airfields unique history. Any details or photos shared for use on this site will be of course duly credited, and the record of the content periodically recorded by The British Library in the permanent records of our nations history.