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Remembrance Day Is Everyday


Aircraft Losses. "Remembrance of the Fallen"

The core foundation to the construction of this remembrance site began with the Aircraft Losses section to provide an online presence of the Society's established archive compiled through our remembrance activities in many fields.
Foundation History Record begins in 1971 and covers all our history up to the present day; work undertaken through the early years by our chairman David King founder of the Society and the growing interest and involvement of his son Alexander King.

Alexander has been involved in the Society's work from as far back as 1990 establishing our current website maintaining and financing its development to the present day.

A detailed account of our remembrance work along with the full History of the Society is held in our Society Archive Library

The Peoples War History Project
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Aircraft Losses

The People’s War History Project

The British Library is preserving this site for the future in the UK Web Archive at www.webarchive.org.uk All site sections are subsequently recorded as part of our nation’s history and heritage at The British Library.

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