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Royal Air Force Losses 1945

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

R.A.F Losses 1945

January -

04.01.1945 No. 103 Squadron Lancaster III ND861 PM-H P/O. Weight
Location: River Humber, Hull.

14/15.01.1945 No.692 Squadron R.A.F. Mosquito XVI MM150 F/O Morgan
Location: Chieveley, near Newbury, Berkshire, England.

February -

24.02.1945 No.51 O.T.U. Mosquito NFXVII HK304 51 Sgt. Bonnewit.
Location: Woodside Field, Flitwick near Ampthill, Bedfordshire, U.K.

March -

10.03.1945. No. 1668 H.C.U. Lancaster III JB228 Flt/Sgt Paddison.
Location: Fiskerton Airfield.

20/21.03.1945 No. 214 Squadron Fortress III HB785 F/O Kingdon
Location: Black Forest area, Germany.

April -

8/9.04.1945 No. 305 (P) Sqdn Mosquito FB/VI NT187 F/Lt Everson
Location: Near Olpe, in the "Cologne Pocket", Germany. +

17.04.1945 No 263 Squadron Typhoon 1B MN705 F/Lt Woodward
Location: Missing off Haderijk harbour off the coast of Holland
May -

June -

July -

August -

02.08.1945 No. 309 (P) Sqdn Mustang III FX876 W/O Pietrzac
Location: Oaksfield, Gould Farm, Rayne, Essex, England.

On Monday 6th August 1945, at 8:15 hours local time, the USAAF had dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. 

On Thursday 9th August 1945 the USAAF dropped a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki at 11:02 hours.

On Wednesday 15thAugust 1945, in a radio address, called the Jewel Voice Broadcast (
玉音放送, Gyokuon-hōsō), the Emperor of Japan Hirohito announced the surrender of Japan to the Allies. 

September -

The Second World War drew to a close on Sunday 2nd September with the signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender of the Japanese Imperial Forces, by a delegation of representatives on behalf of the Japanese Emperor Hirohito. 

2nd September V-J Day.

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Aircraft Losses

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