January -
14.01.1943 71st Squadron P-38 Lt. Meyer
Location: Mezzouna, Tunisia
February -
March -
April -
06.04.1943 79th FG/86th FS P-40 Serial Unknown 1st Lt Ober N Leatherman
Location: Wadi Akarit Tunisia
May -
June -
July -
24.07.1943. 13PS/7RPG P-38F5-A3 42-12781 Capt O’ Bannon.
Location: Home farm, Hatton, Warwickshire.
August -
17.08.1943 418th Bomber Squadron B-17F 42-30063 Capt. Knox
Location: Near Kelmis West of Aachen Belgium
September -
October -
November -
03.11.1943 334th Fighter Squadron P-47D 42-7924 F/O. Frank D Gallion.
Location: Wieringervlaak-Ijsselmeer The Netherlands.
13.11.1943 No. 306th Bomb Group U.S.A.A.F. B-17 42-31038 2nd Lt. Cosper
Location: Longwick, Nr. Princess Risborough, Buckinghamshire, England.
December –
22.12.1943 352Ftr Sq, 353rd FG P-47D 42-22458 1/Lt. Leroy W. Ista
Location: English Channel. +
31.12.1943 61 FS/56 FG P-47C5 Thunderbolt 41-6401 Lt. Aggers
Location: Russell's Water Common, Nr. Henley on Thames, England.
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