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Remembrance Day Is Everyday

Donation Page

Thank You For Your Donation

The Society would like to express it’s gratitude to anyone making a donation, as we are most grateful to receive any form of a donation, however great or small. As a totally self funding group of volunteers, dedicated to the remembrance of fallen airmen, providing free support to friends and loved ones of the fallen, your donation will be of great assistance in supporting the many varied remembrance activities undertaken by the society, these range from the general research required for information requested and for remembrance page construction, to major activities such as aircraft crash site location and recovery, as well as for the support and construction of new aircrew memorials. Thank you for your support.

You can donate to us by using the secure PayPal online donation facility. Just click the image below. No PayPal account is required.

Donations do not have to be in the form of money - they could be offered from a wide range of subjects or support, research material, books, aviation items for use in displays, or any form of sponsorship that would assist us in our many varied activities, that you or your company feel you could provide in support of our aims. Please Email us, if you wish to make any such donation.

We really do appreciate any help you can provide and we thank you in advance for any assistance that you maybe able to provide for the continuation of our work.

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Your privacy we take very seriously. We therefore never make your email address available to any third party, unless you specifically request us to. We do not collect any personal information about you for any purpose what so ever. Where cookies are used, this is to provide us with anonymous statistical information about how our pages are being used so that we can optimise our site for you, our users. Which enables us to measure how long a user remains on our site before moving on, but information is always anonymous.
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