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Royal Air Force Veterans

Remembrance Day Is Everyday

L.A.C. (Rigger Aero) R.A.F. 157349. Albert Howard Bate. (Grandfather of Alexander David King)
(Aircrew Remembrance Society Webmaster)

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R.A.F. Flt/Eng Roy Maddock Lyon
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R.A.A.F. Pilot Fl/Lt. Robert Stringer D.F.C

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P.A.F. 315 Squadron Pilot Sq/Ldr. Franciszek Antoni Wiza K.V. and 2 bars D.F.C.

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R.A.A.F. 186 Squadron Air Bomber P/O. Gerald Mcpherson.

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R.A.A.F. 186 Squadron Pilot Flt. Jeff (Alexander Jeffery) Clarson D.F.C.

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R.A.F. 10 Squadron Air Gunner John Coller.

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R.A.F. (Polish) 306 squadron flight mechanic Ludwig Wojturski

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R.A.F. (Polish) 300 Squadron pilot Czeslaw Eugeniusz Blicharski

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R.A.F. (Polish) 300 Squadron Technical Team leader jan Czwojdrak.

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R.A.F. (Polish) Jakub Bargielowski D.F.C. former fighter pilot 315, 303 squadron 1941 - 1946

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R.A.F. (Polish) Mike Gorzula former fighter pilot 615, 302, 315, squadrons 1940 - 1946

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R.A.F. (Polish) Kaz Kijak former fighter pilot 315 squadron 1940 - 1946

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R.A.F. (Belgium) Leopold Heimes former fighter pilot. Later 254 squadron. 1940 - 1945

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R.C.A.F. Albert Ridge Warington Former Air Gunner (also pilot) 415 Squadron 1943 - 1945

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R.N.Z.A.F. "Mart" Kilpatrick Former Lancaster Pilot 75 Aquadron 1943 - 1945

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R.A.F. Callander Wyse former Pilot 193 squadron 1941 - 1946

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R.A.F. Wally Smith Former Flight Engineer 12 Squadron 1943 - 1946

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R.A.F. "Titch" Halliday Former Air Gunner 75 Squadron 1944 - 1945

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